Endnote 2007
Endnote 2007

endnote 2007

  • Benson G, Auerswald G, Dolan G, Duffy A, Hermans C, Ljung R, et al.
  • How to interpret and pursue an abnormal prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, and bleeding time in adults. Identification and basic management of bleeding disorders in adults.

    endnote 2007

  • Kruse-Jarres R, Singleton TC, Leissinger CA.
  • Clinical Evaluation of Bleeding and Bruising in Primary Care. Diagnostic approach to the patient with a suspected inherited platelet disorder: Who and how to test. Inherited platelet disorders: thrombocytopenias and thrombocytopathies. von Willebrand Disease: A Concise Review and Update for the Practicing Physician. Diagnostic approach to von Willebrand disease. Identification and appropriate medical management of abnormal bleeding and bruising can decrease associated morbidity and mortality.

    endnote 2007

    Easy bruising and abnormal bleeding are relatively common symptoms, and may present as excessive bleeding post-injury, epistaxis, menorrhagia, prolonged bleeding after surgery or spontaneous bleeding. This article presents a basic approach to the bleeding patient and is intended for medical students in their pre-clinical and clerkship years.

    Endnote 2007